DKB FIT stands for Dance Kickboxing Fit is a combination of basic Cardio kickboxing moves combined with basic Dance moves, boxing  ,and martial arts moves.

About your instructor

My name is Mario Vera, and I'd like to say hello. In the Bay Area, I am a certified Dance Kickboxing (DKB Fit) instructor. I work as an instructor at the UFC Gym in Sunnyvale, California. My passion is to help people make the simplest and most realistic changes in their lives. Everyone has the right to be healthy and happy on the inside and out.  

Train With Experts And Get Results

UFC GYM Sunnyvale

733 S Wolfe Rd, 

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Learn How To Dance And Kickbox At The Same Time From The Comfort Of Your Own Home. Lose Weight, Trim Inches And Empower Yourself Everyday With DKB FIT

DKB FIT stands for dance kickboxing fitness a fusion between basic dance moves and basic cardio kickboxing moves, this fusion is fun and powerful and it gets you burning calories from the very first class

Improving Flexibility


Core Strength Training


Increased Muscle Tone




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